We'll sit down for 30 minutes and discuss what whimsy looks like for *you* - and at the end of our chat, you'll have ideas for incorporating whimsy into your life or even an itinerary for an entire Week of Whimsy!
Where could you use a little whimsy?
At work? Home? In your business? With dinner? Everyday life?
Are you looking to head off burn out?
Whimsy isn't going to "fix" anything, but it can offer you moments of lightheartedness, breaths of delight, and a little bit of fun! And sometimes that's all it takes to turn a day around!
Once you place your order, I will reach out to schedule our chat via the email you use to order. Want to gift a whimsy session? Just let me know it's a gift!
Questions? Email me at hannahsenchantments@gmail.com
Whimsy Consult